
The Petite Goldendoodle


Originating in the early 2000s, the Petite Goldendoodle is a mix of the Golden Retriever, Poodle and Cocker Spaniel.
Petite Goldendoodles are a loving, gentle, loyal breed who can adapt to any family situation in addition to being great service dogs and companion dogs.
Their typical lifespan is 10-15 years.
Their purpose-companion.
Height- 10-24'
Weight-20-35 lbs
The cross of the 3 breeds results is a cute, cuddly teddy bear like hybrid that is more than capable of any lap-sitting competition in the house. They have retained the intelligence level and the loving nature contributed by their parents, and are able to captivate even the hardest of hearts.
Petite Goldendoodle Breed Appearance
The Petite Goldendoodle hybrid can take on the appearance traits of any of the parent breeds. For the most part, they weight between 15 and 25 pounds and a height of between 10 and 18 inches at the shoulders. Their coats are medium to long in length, soft and wavy or curly which is thick and dense. Their coat colors can be white, cream, apricot, golden and brown. They are considered low shedders and, if the Poodle parent is dominant in the bio mix, they may be hypoallergenic as well. They have round dark eyes and a black or brown nose. They have floppy ears and a varying length tail which may curl.
Petite Goldendoodle Breed Maintenance
The Petite Goldendoodle falls into the moderate maintenance category. They are considered minimal to low in the shedding category but, because their coat is long, wavy, curly and dense, it will be necessary to brush them at least twice weekly to remove loose hair, debris, matting and tangles. This brushing will also distribute the natural oils she needs to keep their coat beautiful and soft. The'll need to have her ears checked on a weekly basis, cleaning them as needed with a cotton ball and approved canine ear wash solution - this is also a great time to check their toenails and trim them as needed.
Like Goldendoodles, they falls into the low category for smell and drooling.
Petite Goldendoodle Temperament
Petite Goldendoodle hybrid is a mix of the Golden Retriever, Cocker Spaniel and Poodle and has some of the best temperament characteristics of all three parent breeds. The Petite Goldendoodle has been described as protective, sweet, intelligent, bright, friendly, enthusiastic and gentle. As with almost all other canine breeds, the'll be a better family pet if she is appropriately socialized at a young age, ensuring that she'll get along great with the kids, strangers and other animals - and, she'll even get along with the family cat! They've been described as "small dogs with big personalities", quickly becoming attached to their human families. They're obedient and, because they have an intelligent nature, they can bridge the communication gap between canine and human quite nicely, making them excellent choices for therapy dogs and great companions for the elderly. They are usually pretty quiet but, rest assured, she will alert you to the presence of strangers. Because she prefers to be in the company of her beloved human family, despite the good qualities mentioned here, she's not above getting into mischief when left to her own devices for long periods of time. The'll be easily trained because she listens and strongly desires to please, especially if treats are involved! Petite Goldendoodle Activity Requirements Your Petite Goldendoodle is a moderately active canine. They are inquisitive and protective and will love those shorter walks or jogs, playing or romping the dog park or fenced back yard, interactive games of fetch, Frisbee, seek and find, agility and obedience training and practice. The'll need several of those shorter walks daily since she is a small dog. Their small size makes her a perfect fit for apartment or condo living, provided you can properly exercise her on a daily basis. The will do well in family homes with or without a fenced yard, and any of these living situations can be in urban or rural settings. Moderate climates will suite her best but she'll do fine in temperature extremes if she is provided the additional protection that is needed.
Read more at: https://wagwalking.com/breed/petite-goldendoodle